Tuesday, 14 February 2017

At Cafe Casablanco

At Café Casablanco I see a table outside of what seems to be a promising couple, enjoy a strawberry smoothie and small latte. Though I couldn’t here them, the sir seemed to act quite coquetry, while the madam simply smiled with a happy countenance. 
I couldn’t help secretly trying to stare away at them as they reminded me of a apocryphal moment that happened with an old dear friend. Though still somewhat my friend, he didn’t feel so dear to me as much now.

Garri was his name, a shy man who somewhat longed for a proper relationship, as a strong motive to get him outside of his house, more often. I had my own reasons to step outside my house and they eminently didn’t involve Garri.
  One day we decided to meet, and as I waited in front of Café Casablanco where I am sitting at now, I saw a very gaiety Garri approach me.
  Sitting outside where we were enjoying our orange smoothie and small black coffee, I was informed about a ‘spark of a relationship.’ Apparently through some sort of online computer game Garri met someone all the way in Ethiopia. This Garri found would lead to a great long-distance relationship, and although he claimed it would finally get him outside of the house, I could only understand the complete opposite if he intending to constantly communicate with her. He did mention a possible trip to Ethiopia.

At the time I was feeling quite happy for him, but that was the last time I ever saw him. He was the one who usually contacted me first, yet for a while I have been going to Café Casablanco alone. Either he is now in Ethiopia or, he is very busy chatting with the person online. I even considered the idea of suicide, due to disappointment, for it has been a while since we last saw each other a lot could have happened. I do wish the best for him, as well as the couple outside right now.

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