Friday, 17 February 2017

Best Friend Paulie

His name was Peter Palhover, he was about to have his first ever concert. A dear friend I’ve stood by and respected in the many years he was trying to climb the ladder of fame. I even now felt a certain eminence at this very moment in the making room, I was honoured to stand in and be proud to see Peter off to his very first concert of his very first tour.

“So, This is it, right?” I anxiously spoke. I seemed to be more fretted, and nervous than Peter was, which I found was for the best. “It is,” Peter simply answered. “Together we made it, right?” I asked. I wasn’t received an answer so I reinvented my question, “Together we made you make it, right?” Still nothing was answered, for last time I asked, “You made it, right?” Peter slowly turned round to face me. Suddenly I felt more fretted than I already was, intimidated even. “Have you ever considered yourself?” I was asked. “What do you..?” I stuttered. “I mean, instead of following my ass around have you ever thought of yourself, what do you want to do?” Peter started to sound perverse to me, what was he trying to do, I stood with him all this time right, I don’t want to be selfish and only think about myself.
  It was almost about time, Peter stood up from his makeup chair. “Look, you’re an nice guy, but you live oblique shape of a world, thinking you’ve done the best for people when really you just tag along with them thinking you are a part of it.” 
I was tore about by the savage words spoken, was he trying to extricate me? Couldn’t I be happy being his friend, what was wrong with that? “I have issues, with you always being present, breathing down my neck thinking your so important, I wouldn’t mind if you stayed away from me for a while.”

  With that said, the ungrateful bastard waltzed straight past me through the door to his fame. How dare he make such an accusation about me I have always been there for him, now he treats me like nothing after apparently not giving him anything. I gave him my respect my appreciation, he hasn’t seen the last of me.

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