Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Poor James Argyle

James Argyle had no home for a year now, and the worry of it being like this for many more years had come and was almost gone. This new life felt pallid, but it had to be lived obsequiously. He had nowhere to go, or anyone extremely keen on helping him, only people slightly keen on helping him, before they would go on with their better day.  Sounds quite sad, I know.

It was night, and James lay on a town plain bench ready to be woken by the relentless public streaming into the city. That noise at first seemed to have come early, as James was woken to the noise of several groups of people running vigorously into different directions across the town plain. At first James felt he should ignore it, but the groups of people kept coming, screaming, and swearing; were they caught in the act of something? Then, a piercing sound forced James off the bench, later realizing the sound came from a gun. While the crowd of running people started to get smaller, James felt the urge to run as well, to run away from the chaotic action. The police sounded like they were out for blood, and there was plenty to shoot at. James left the bench as well as the incongruous scene in hope to find somewhere else to hide from the chaos.
James had no idea what had been done, and why so many people were in on doing it. No matter what street he tried to run down, others took the same way of escape as well. James started to panic that he might be mistaken for someone who had involvement in the crime. 
As much as the crowd of supposed criminals seemed endless, crowds of insane police officers made their way into the town streets as well. James had no idea where he was going, or where would be safe to go. He frantically ran down random streets of his choice, for no reason other than to run down them. James’s fear was now genuine, the sound of disordered chase would not go softer, it was happening everywhere. Where did he go wrong in life, is what he wound normally think in situations of such panic. Though he was too busy running and being afraid to think, he believed that after these he would be a better person despite living on the streets. Through the struggling of thought and action, James didn’t hear the police man demanding him to surrender, to which if he did he would have been fine. Instead, James felt a sudden halt in life, that made him plummet to the ground and lose himself forever.

James was shot that night, for a crime he knew nothing about. The police stated he was guilty of the crime and considered him one captured condign suspect. What a strange night for James Argyle, not that anyone would ever find out about it.

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