Monday, 13 March 2017


Otto was usually described as morose and petulant person, outside his business and inside occasionally. Business was something he was good at, giving the right jobs to the right people and maintaining a balanced control. Socially though he was shy but tried not to show it. He wasn't shy only when he claimed something wasn’t to blame on him, like a child. His now divorced wife Angelica however saw him differently.

One morning Otto received a parcel from Angelica after panicking about the speech he was about to make for his business. Once he read it was from her, he started to feel calm again and sauntered with the parcel to the kitchen table to open it. Curiosity was what calmed the unique mood of Otto, curiosity over why his pervious wife would send him a parcel right now. What was stress inducing though was opening the parcel. It was tightly kept together, and despite being quite light, it didn’t sound hollow from the inside. Otto tried to tear as much he could in the parcel, followed by cutting certain segments with a knife, which sadly had little affect. Now in rage he started to bash the parcel onto the table, followed by bashing it with a rock souvenir that was found in the kitchen. This was able to get it open slowly but surely, despite Otto being unaware he was scratching at the gift itself.

The parcel was destroyed but at the very least open. Inside and a little damaged now, was the steel flask Angelica gave him once he started his business. The first message that was inscribed on it read:


The new message that was now inscribed on it read:

Still a champion that can control
peoples jobs but how about hearts?
You know some one who did care
for you, perhaps see if others would
like the same, try a different approach

Otto felt calm again but mostly different. The speech he was just about to give was going to be what his workers clearly expected, unless he tried a different approach.

While driving to work he through the script for his first intended speech out of the window and thought of something nicer sounding to say that he will have to extemporize.

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