Wednesday, 29 March 2017

The Golden Coin Wish Fish

At the bottom of a bleak coloured fountain, lies many wishes. Actually they’re all coins, quite expensive ones to. There were many coppers, but there were also 50ps, £1 and even some £2s; some people really wanted to make a wish, hoping so much it would come true. One £1 was exceptionally jovial once she was used for a wish, excited for what was going to happen next. However, what was going to happen next wasn’t known by any coin, a 1p could not understand why a £1 could be so happy. She rolled over to the dancing £1, declaring that her inveterate dancing was rueful, and made every coin at the bottom of the fountain feel more unhappy. So the £1 felt kilter, nobody understood the joy of being used for a wish. Or have these coins lived in this fountain for so long that they’ve come to their senses and realized that there is no such thing as a wish. The £1 lay sulkily against the wall of the fountain starting to feel the cold sadness of the water. She was a £1, used to make a worthless wish. She didn’t even know what the wish was, all she had was her own wish of being used to buy something concrete, rather than the imaginary. The 1p that told her off lay next to her for comfort; at the very least I can make some long lasting friendships, the £1 thought.

Then there was a fish, a gold fish, a small delicate bright orange gold fish, swimming in the fountain. The £1 and 1p stared gleefully at it, it was the most beautiful fish they had ever seen. The thing was, they had never seen an actual fish before, and it was even stranger that the fountain didn’t ever have any fish swimming in it, only coins.


Where did this gold fish come from then? After 5 minutes of speculating the presents of a fish, the 1p and £1 watched it get fished out of the fountain by a happy young boy, who joyfully screamed, “Charlie it’s Charlie!” All coins were amazed at what they had just witness in such short time. Where did the fish come from? Why did the boy take it? Why was it in a wishing fountain? Never was a fish found in the fountain again, but the coins were happier than ever since that day, and some how decided to remember the gold fish, as a sign of hope.

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